
Please go to Ludum Dare website for more information.

Cynthia and the Forest Restaurant | | Ludum Dare game jam

Update Note(post jam patch):

- v1.0.1  :Fixed: the issue of missing English translation of some task names

- v1.0.2:Fixed: an issue that raw fish submissions were not being received in task "Cat keeper"

- v1.0.3:Fixed: When accepting the task, the area map of the task target is required to be unlocked to avoid receiving inappropriate tasks

- v1.0.4:Fixed: During the day changing, let the cat follow the player to avoid a few cases where the cat wanders around to strange places and doesn't come back.

- v1.0.5:Fixed the problem that the fire cannot be extinguished when the flame burns to places where the characters cannot reach in a few cases

Fixed the problem that some missions show they require 3000 score points, but it may actually require about 3200 to take

Adjustment: Increase the probability of appearance of the map, add more areas where can get the map, so player can more easily find map.

Adjustment: Reduce the exploration time of the last few maps, to reduce the difficulty of the final task.

- v1.0.6:Fix some wrong dialogue text

- v1.0.7:Fix the problem that some mission achievements cannot be achieved

- v1.0.8:Fix the problem that the task dialogue "next button" may be blocked by the text

Fixed the issue that cats might climb to the ceiling and do not come back


PC Version 30 MB
Historical Versions

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